Learn the
Power of Dreaming
in Life, Writing & Art

Special Field Study in Shamanism and the Arts from Wesleyan University,
BFA, Drama: Production/Directing
from Carnegie Mellon University,
Level 4 Active Dreaming Teacher 
in Robert Moss’s School of Active Dreaming, 
Honored to carry
Albert “Little Turtle” Dugas’s medicine bundle

CASSANDRA HAMILTON prayed and dreamed with a medicine wheel stone for a year, as part of a medicine wheel planetary healing ceremony in 1997 with Hyemeyohsts Storm, author of Seven Arrows and ten other books, who named her Thunder Being (One Who Reminds People Why They Are Here). In 1998, Albert “Little Turtle” Dugas gifted her his medicine bundle before he passed with instructions she do as she was taught but in her own way. In 2003, she healed her rare eye disease using a macrobiotic diet given to her by Michio Kushi and a shamanic journey guided by Lewis Mehl Madrona that was witnessed by dozens of workshop attendees. She’s learned from core shamans (including Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman and Keshav Howe) and well as shamans who practice their culture and visit the United States (such as Tzenwaxolokwauhtli, Carrier of the Mexihka Black Smokey Mirror Tradition). She’s a Level 4 Dream Teacher in Robert Moss’s School for Active Dreaming. A STORYTELLER & ARTIST, she seeks to help students around the world find new, more capable aspects of themselves and manifest their best dreams.


Cassandra Hamilton and I began our artistic relationship over 35 years ago in the Graduate Liberal Studies program at Wesleyan University where I was privileged to teach her two classes on Acting and Directing. Cassandra’s invention, artistry, creativity, and knowledge were glitteringly impressive.

As well, I had the good fortune to study elementary journeying and shamanics briefly with Cassandra. Her coaching, communication, and conducting of the sessions brought me to revelatory visions I would have never guessed imagining. Her instruction during three individually taught journeying sessions introduced me to the three shamanic worlds. Cassandra is a gentle, empathic, and highly intuitive coach, leader, and teacher. Her guidance and instructions have the uncanny ability to bring out extraordinary concepts imaginatively and intuitively from her students and colleagues. Her profound wisdom is always directed toward healing and to the greater understanding of humanity, human foibles, and the human condition.

With her visual art, Cassandra is exceptional at capturing color, symbols, visions, and compelling composition. From her own experiences, Cassandra is a most healing tutor and truly has the mastery of helping students break through their artistic blocks, fear, and self-doubt. Her practices of no-judgment and flowing and following energies are invaluable. She is an expert in releasing the personal voices of her students, whether the voice is in visual arts, in writing, and /or in speaking.

As a dreaming master and dreaming teacher, Cassandra is adroit. In a dreaming workshop that she conducted, I unexpectedly met my old acting teacher and participated in an immortal prophetic conversation with him—all due to Cassandra’s dreaming techniques. Cassandra’s classes will most definitely make you surprise yourself with the attainment of self wisdom.

I have known Cassandra Hamilton for forty years. Over time I have seen her deep involvement with Shamanism. We took advanced core shamanic trainings together. In addition, Cassandra studied with a number of shamans and received the medicine bundle of one of the shamans who passed. She also a Master's Degree from Wesleyan University in Shamanic Studies. However, in addition to formal study, she is most experienced in hands-on work with Shamanism.

Over the years I have seen her psychic abilities and her strong intuition evident a number of times, including such an area as Soul Retrieval.

When she and her mother removed a spirit from a room in my home, one of the walls sounded like it was crumbling and the light went out in the room! The energy and forces Cassandra had brought forth were truly amazing.

Cassandra and her mother would periodically come to the convalescent home where my mom, who was suffering from a form of dementia and often not alert, was living. We would all drum and rattle for her. Afterwards, my mother was more alert, relaxed and peaceful.

Why I love Cassandra Hamilton

Within a few minutes [of the workshop], I knew – without a doubt – I was in the right place.

I closed my eyes and suspended disbelief as Cassandra Hamilton, an extraordinarily talented woman, began hypnotic beating on a shaman’s drum. In those 10 minutes of drumming, I had somehow been transported to a place I’d never been, into a dream I’d never had before – but into an incredibly important dream that had been waiting for me for years.

Normally, I hang out at the back of the class and wait to get a feel for the whole group before I read [my work for others]. But I was practically jumping out of my chair, saying, “Pick me! Pick me!” I just couldn’t wait to read aloud about my experience. [And] I wasn’t alone. The others in the class were all very excited to share their dreams.

I was completely transfixed [by the experience and Cassandra's teaching] and signed up for another session and a 7-week course. The shaman’s drum was significant, but at least as important, maybe more, was the sense of trust I felt with Cassandra. I felt safe and respected enough to read two very personal dreams to a group of strangers. I felt my work was both accepted and honored.

I've taken another workshop with Cassandra and this is what I find incredibly appealing: she really, really wants us to succeed. She wants us to get our best story onto the page. She LISTENS. Then she offers VALUABLE feedback. She offers real, proven insights and knowledge that can only be gathered after many years of experience.

She's worked with an incredible variety of students, from emotionally challenged teens, to people with disabilities, to Fortune 500 companies. With her background in theater and art, she brings new perspectives with her thoughtful comments.

She's also overcome tremendous personal challenges, and brings a very, very high level of kindness, understanding and compassion to her workshops. Oh, and she also has a great sense of humor.